
Three special sessions will be organized, each introduced by a invited speaker, on the following topics:

- Cancer: treatment and detection

Invited talk: Elena Ishow (Nantes Université) “Photoactive organic nanoparticles as tunable actors for theranostics”

- Materials and Light

Invited talk: Christophe Moser (EPFL) “Volumetric Bioprinting: a new tool for producing artificial tissue models”

- Bacteria/Material Interactions

Invited talk: Régis Grimaud (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour) "Biofilm formation: a microbial strategy to assimilate particular substrates”


Oral communications and posters on all topics of the GDR (see on the website: are welcome to be presented by the participants.


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 27 May 2024 (see page Submit an abstract)


Detailed program: available end of May 2024

Presentations begin on Wednesday 3rd July at 9 am and end on Thursday 4th July at 1 pm.

Download the program here.

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