This year, the GDR Bioingénierie des Interfaces (B2i) organizes the plenary meeting from 3 to 4 July 2024 in Mulhouse, in the heart of the Alsace region.
The GDR B2i focuses on the interface between materials and biological environments in the broadest sense. The scientific scope of this GDR includes the development, characterization, and modeling of biointerfaces for applications in the fields of tissue engineering, antifouling, biosensors, etc., but also for the study of biological mechanisms or specific interactions. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the GDR B2i brings together teams working in the fields of (bio)chemistry, physical chemistry of materials and interfaces, and biology.
The aim of these days is to stimulate new collaborations and create synergies among teams working in these fields by sharing the latest research advances with the community. The scientific program includes invited lectures, oral and poster presentations, and best oral and poster awards for young researchers.